What is a detox?

The body naturally goes through the process of detoxification every day. The liver is the main organ in this process. Also just as important is a smooth elimination process, here we focus more on the intestinal tract. During a nutrition consultation I will ask questions that will determine whether these very important process's of detoxification and elimination are functioning properly.

There are many ways to assist the body in making sure this method of internal cleansing is working as efficiently as possible.  

The word detox has become trendy and there are many 1 week, or 1 month detox kits available. Unfortunately these are usually ineffective and many people end up back where they started, some can even be harmful.

I recommend working with a nutritionist to develop a tailor made plan that you can stick to for life, a way of eating everyday for health that will naturally support these organs to detoxify and eliminate well every day.


Amber Woollard